A winter storm warning remains in effect from 10PM this evening to 4AM Sunday, with the possibility of 1 to 3 inches of snow at lake level and between 5 to 10 inches at higher elevations. This may impact service on Saturday. Any changes will be posted here and on LTA’s Facebook as soon as […]
No Service on 2/19/24
In observance of President’s Day, there will be no service on Monday, February 19, 2024. Service will resume as scheduled on Tuesday, the 20th.
Unmet Transit Needs Public Hearing Notice
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Lake County/City Area Planning Council (APC) will meet on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, at the Lakeport City Council chambers, to consider the following item. Agendas and meeting materials will be posted to APC’s website at https://www.lakeapc.org/. Public Hearing […]
2/5/24 Service Updates
Routes 2 and 4A are currently suspended due to weather related road closures. Service on these routes will resume as soon as conditions allow. Updated at 5:37AM 2/5/24
1/10/24 Route 1
Updated at 2:03PM Due to an accident on Hwy 20 near Paradise Cove, Route 1 may experience delays in both directions.
12/26 Service Update
Unfortunately the following runs have been cancelled for Tuesday, 12/26: Route 1 – w/b at 9:00AM e/b at 10:00AM Route 4 – w/b at 6:00AM e/b at 6:45AM w/b at 9:00AM e/b at 10:00AM
12/13 Route 8 Service
Unfortunately the 5:30 PM Route 8 NB run and 6:30 PM Route 8 SB run have been cancelled today. We apologize for the inconvenience.
12/12/2023 Route 8 Update
Effective 12/12/2023, full service will resume on Route 8 in Lakeport.
12/6/23 Route 8 Service Update
Effective Thursday, December 7, 2023, the 1:30PM through 6:30PM runs of the NB Route 8 will be suspended until further notice. The SB Route 8 will still be running during those times. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. For questions, please call dispatch at 707-263-3334. Updated @ 1:15PM 12/6/23 Unfortunately, the 6:30 Route […]