Route 12 will resume service on Monday, June 5, 2023. Please note that the times and order of the stops has changed. The new schedule can be found here as well as in the shelters along the route and on the bus. If you have any questions, please call dispatch at 707-263-3334.
No Service on Memorial Day
There will be no service on Monday, May 29th, in observance of Memorial Day. Service will resume on Tuesday, May 30th.
Due to staffing shortages, beginning Monday, May 1st, Route 12 will be suspended.
We anticipate resuming service in 2‐3 weeks. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
3/28 Service Disruptions
Updated: 3/28/2023 @ 11:45AM Due to current road conditions, the 11:40AM Route 2 has been cancelled. Further updates will be posted here and on our website. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Route 12 is cancelled today. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Final Transit Development Plan
The Transit Development Plan is a five-year business plan for public transit in the region. The plan proposes several changes to Lake Transit such as implementing micro transit service in Lakeport and Clearlake Riviera, schedule changes to Clearlake Route 12 and reducing poor performing routes. The Lake APC Board will consider the adoption of the […]
3/14 Service Disruptions
Updated @ 12:58PM Due to flooding on Soda Bay Road, Routes 4A and 8 are unable to stop at Konocti Vista Casino. Regular service will resume as soon as road conditions allow.
3/6 Service Disruptions
UPDATE 3/6 @ 12:30PM All service is up and running except Route 2, which is cancelled today due to unsafe road conditions. UPDATE 3/6 @ 7:55AM Route 1 will begin at 8:00AM Route 3 S/B @ 7:55AM is only going to Twin Pines Route 4 W/B @ 9:00AM is cancelled Route 4 E/B @ 10:00AM […]
2/27/23 Service Update
Update – 2/27 @ 8:41am Due to current weather conditions, all service has been suspended. Service will resume as road conditions allow. Update – 2/27 @ 8:03am Route 2 has been cancelled for today. Due to current road conditions, there will be no service on Route 3 on Monday, February 27, 2023. Service is […]
Reduced Saturday Service – 2/25/23
Due to current road conditions and in the continued interest of the safety of our passengers, drivers, and the general public, LTA will be running reduced Saturday service on February 25, 2023. Route 3 to Calistoga and Route 7 to Ukiah WILL NOT RUN. All other normal Saturday service will resume by 12:00PM or as soon […]
SERVICE IMPACTS 2/23/23 – 2/24/23
Based on the current weather forecast and for the safety of our passengers, drivers, and the general public, LTA will be running reduced service on Thursday, February 23, and NO SERVICE on Friday, February 24. Update @ 11:11AM 2/23/23 The 12:00PM Westbound and 2:00PM Eastbound Route 7 runs have been cancelled. Below is Thursday’s reduced […]